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What are the classifications of LCD liquid crystal modules?

by:Kimeery     2023-03-21
LCD liquid crystal display customization' style='white-space: normal;'>LCD liquid crystal display must be familiar to everyone, so do you know what kind of LCD liquid crystal module is? They are divided into 3 categories: character type, pen segment type, dot matrix graphic type Character type: character type LCD screenmodule is a dot matrix liquid crystal display module, which is specially used to display letters, numbers, symbols and so on. In the electrode pattern design, it consists of several 5×8 or 5×11 dot matrixes, and each dot matrix displays a character. These modules are widely used in pagers, mobile phones, electronic notebooks and other electronic equipment. Stroke type: The stroke type is composed of long bar display pixels. This type is mainly used for digital display, and can also be used to display Western letters or certain characters. This segment display usually has 1, 7, 8, 9, 14 and 16 segments. Its shape always changes around the structure of the number '8'. Among them, the commonly used segmented display is the seven-segmented display, which is widely used in electronic watches, digital instruments and notebook computers. Dot matrix pattern type: The dot matrix pattern is to arrange multiple rows and columns on a flat plate to form dot matrix points in the form of dot matrix. The dot size can be designed according to the definition of the display. The LCD screencan be widely used in graphics display devices such as game machines, notebook computers, and color TVs. There are other ways to classify LCD screens. According to the lighting method, it can be divided into natural lighting and backlighting LCD. According to the driving mode of LCD, it can be divided into static driving, dynamic driving and dual-frequency driving LCD. According to the installation method of the controller, it can be divided into two types: controller and exclusion controller. TFT LCD display with controller'>LCD display is also called built-in LCD screen. The built-in liquid crystal display uses a thick film circuit, and the controller and driver are made on the printed backplane of the liquid crystal module. It can only drive the LCD display through the external digital signal or analog signal of the controller interface. Because the built-in LCD screenis easy to use and easy to operate, it has been widely used in character liquid crystal display and dot matrix graphic mobile mobile phone LCD screen display. LCD monitors without controllers need to be equipped with corresponding controllers and drivers to work. LCD liquid crystal display customization mobile phone LCD for Samsung display manufacturers'>LCD for Samsung display manufacturers TFT liquid crystal display

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