
Mobile Phone LCD Screen Quality Control Expert

how to wire the 6 digit 7 segment 2.4 inch ht1621 lcd display module on arduino microcontroller

by:Kimeery     2020-04-15
Another example is how to connect a 6-bit 7-segment LCD Display powered by HT621 on a micro-controller.
The module is in multiple
Table, voltage monitor, solar monitor, clock, thermometer, electronic measuring equipment, car, etc.
The module is compatible with your favorite micro-controller using 3-wire SPI communication and has backlight suitable for dark environments.
This module runs on 4. 7~5. 2V DC 0.
No back 4 mA-
Light and 4 mA with the back-light.
Need for component saraster single chip microcomputer, ESP826 June, 12E, ESP8266 NodeMCU, espamer, Verus, ATMEGA328 16/12, ATMEGA250, at32u4 16/8/1900 mhz, ESP8266, ATMEGA250, atsam21, ATTINY85 16/8 MHz (
Note: The NANO is used in the following figure.
Please refer to the corresponding pins if you use other MCU-
Number 7 Segment 2.
4 inch LCD display module jumper/DuPont WireSee above for connecting the LCD display module.
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